Mind Your Mobile Phone Manners

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Mind Your Mobile Phone Manners

Despite what my colleagues’ talks about, there is a definite etiquette to be observed when operating you mobile phone which include;
1. speak easy
Thou shall not bellow on your mobile phone handset. Because that call has moved from handset to transmitter to satellite and back again. Raising your voice will not reduce the distance between you and the person at the other end. It’s advisable to speak in soft tone and or normal voice.
2. ring tones

thou shall not leave your ring tone on in important places like meetings, church or romantic dinner. You might enjoy hearing Mariah Carey latest heat but your boss pastor or date most definitely will not. It is advisable to either put your phone o vibration, silent mode or you switch it off.
3. calling for attention
thou shall not pared around to show how busy you are each time your mobile phone rings. Its no longer that cool to own a mobile phone! When you are out for lunch or dinner there is no need for your phone to be on the table keep it in you bag or pocket. Have respect on people at your vicinity when making or receiving a call on your mobile phone.
4. dialing and driving
Don’t thing about answering you phone while driving or dialing out . when driving the most important thing is road safety always pull over the side of the road if the call is more urgent.
5. privacy rules
thou shall not share private conversation with the world. It bothers especially when you are in matatu and other passenger start a conversation on how their boss misuse the companies money. Or their brother in law is cheating on their spouse with the maid.
It is always preferred to send text message instead of calling inside a matatu. For complete African Technology analysis,
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  1. Technology in Africa going to a new level, the introduction of paying electriity bill by Mpesa system brings Africa to a whole new level.

  2. How did the phone are misused , that are astonishing but the users must read and know the manners to talk and use this precious device correctly.
